
Press Freedom in Sri Lanka

This tag is associated with 17 posts

Crass Capitulation And Craven Opportunism Of Victor Ivan

By Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe – On the 28th February 2012, the RAVAYA newspaper celebrated its 25th Anniversary with great pomp and pageantry- and expense. The chief guest was none other than H.E. President Rajapakse. It was celebrated under the theme loosely translated as “Swimming Against the Tide: A Great Journey”. This great journey was projected … Continue reading

WikiLeaks: Mahinda Produced Upali Tennakoon To Justify His Claim

By Colombo Telegraph – “Rajapaksa produced a recently published interview with Mr. Upali Tennakoon, President of the Sri Lanka Editor’s Guild, in which Tennakoon stated he had never experienced pressure from the Government but that the United National Party was exerting considerable pressure on the media to publish pro-opposition stories. Boucher expressed appreciation to Rajapaksa … Continue reading

RIGHT OF REPLY: I Did Not Give Richard’s Address To The killers – Arjuna Ranawana

By Colombo Telegraph – Responding to the article “Richard Was Murdered 22 Years Ago: Remembering Richard”  by Leel Pathirana, Arjuna Ranawana says “there is a telling innaccuracy in the article”. Arjusna’s response related to the following part of the said article; “Eeverybody had known Richard since he was the English TV news broadcaster, outstanding journalist with remarkable … Continue reading

Richard Was Murdered 22 Years Ago: Remembering Richard

22nd death anniversary of the Sri Lankan slain Journalist-Richard de Zoysa falls on 18th February By Leel Pathirana –  The freedom of The Fourth Estate has become a widely spoken issue in the post war Sri Lanka at present. Murder case of Lasantha Wickramatunge the Editor of Sunday Leader moving at a snail’s pace and … Continue reading

Can GOSL Implement LLRC Recommendations?

By JC Weliamuna – This is the question of the day. This is raised nationally and internationally and answers contrast for different reasons. In this article, I endeavor to briefly answer this question from a governance perspective, keeping in mind the present socio-political realities  in Sri Lanka. The President appointed the Commission of Inquiry on … Continue reading

WikiLeaks: “looked like” EPDP and SL Navy burnt the Uthayan – Basil to US

By Colombo Telegraph – “He added that it ‘looked like’ EPDP cadres, along with the SLN, had perpetrated the mid-August burning of the pro-LTTE Uthayan newspaper office in Jaffna.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington. The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” and recounts … Continue reading

Lawyers Urge The Government Of Sri Lanka To Respect The Right To Peaceful Assembly

By Colombo Telegraph – The Lawyers for Democracy (LfD) in a statement condemns the tactics used by the Government and its agents to disregard the fundamental right of a citizen to conduct peaceful protests in Sri Lanka, and the use of deplorable strong armed tactics to prevent a lawful protest rally organized by media groups today … Continue reading

Sri Lanka: No Progress on Justice

By Colombo Telegraph – The Sri Lankan government in the past year failed to advance justice and accountability for the victims of the country’s 26-year-long civil conflict, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2012. While Sri Lanka’s war-ravaged north and east became more open, the government deepened repression of basic freedoms throughout the country. … Continue reading

UNP wants parliamentary inquiry to establish code of ethics for electronic media

By Colombo Telegraph – The UNP Working Committee yesterday endorsed a proposal to be vigilant about news reports aired by the Maharaja media network that aim to propagate hatred among party members and to express the party’s opposition to this campaign. The proposals endorsed by the Working Committee also looks at the possibility of carrying … Continue reading

Rajapaksas’ Isolated Mindset And Smear Campaigns

By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya – There has been an unexpected reaction to my article last week titled “Rajapaksa dynasty and their education qualification saga”. A State controlled Sinhala daily carried a front page news item last Tuesday (10) which claims this writer is living in exile in New York and runs a website with NGO help … Continue reading